Home Scary Teacher 3D

Avoiding Traps in Scary Teacher 3D

Scary Teacher 3D is mobile game developed my Z & K Games where players need to constantly stealth and revenge against the character—a harsh and rigid teacher Miss T. Players need to first secretively sneak into her house and set up many tricks and pranks to screw up her day. At the same time, players also need to avoid being seen and caught where performing those tasks. There can be traps and tricks from Miss T’s part as well, awaiting for the players. This guide provide a few tips on how to avoid those traps in several locations in the game. It should be noted that although this game contains ten different locations, players can only immediately unlock the starting scene in Miss T’s house. They need to purchase more game contents in the app although watching adds allows players to access to the previous three locations for free. The tips given are for those free scenes but should also be helpful for further locations.


The first trap players need to be careful is in the basement where there is a crowbar on top of the box. Players should be very careful when they are navigating and approaching to this area. This is because at the entrance, a bear trap or more might be set up there; plus, the staircase nearby is a frequently used passage for Miss T to enter the basement. However, the area on the left of the house where there is a shed, is a totally safe section since Miss T barely visits this area.


Besides, when players trying to enter a room of Miss T’s, it is easy to be spotted if they take the route Miss T takes. To avoid that, players can take advantage of the windows. For example, to enter the living room where the TV is, players can jump in through the window; to get into Miss T’s bedroom, players can avoid using the stairs. Instead, players can use the ladder outside the house, which leads to a gym in the corner opposite her bedroom. Upon completing the task, players can once again leave the room by jumping out the window. 

Scary Teacher 3D
Scary Teacher is a highly interactive game.
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I would like to play


i wqnt to play this!!!!

Bella Morgan

Hi I love this I do not know how to play


i like the game how can i play it i am new

Mason I can”t wait to play this game

I love this game!!!!!


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