Home Money Rush

Maximizing Your Earnings in Money Rush

Money Rush is a typical running game with a first person view on the vertical running course. This game has one goal and players need to do everything they can to navigate their coin army through the course to gain as many coins as they can at the end of the race. It is not that difficult to get the hang of maximizing the coins if players understand the core mechanism of the gameplay.


The first thing to bear in mind is to avoid any popping obstacles on the running course. This is because bumping into hazards would cause coin deductions. When players can’t gain coins, they should at least make sure they don’t lose what they have already earned. One trick of dodging obstacles is to try to get to the edge of the running course if there isn’t any obstacles on the fringe. In doing so, players can form their coin group in a lengthy and narrow shape, which reduces the accident of touching anything hazardous.


Another important thing is to always stay alert to numbers. This game involves many gates with either money multiplying or minus effect. Players need to always do quick but easy math to pick the advantageous gates. It should be noted that sometimes players are taken in front of two minus gates. In such situations, players need to choose the less negative ones and keep the loss to a lower level.


Furthermore, it is important to stay upgraded regularly. After a few good running sessions, many players may have already accumulated quite a lot of coins as rewards. Then it is time to spend the coins on upgrade, which will  give players an edge in generating more coins. This creates a positive system where players can gain a better initial advantage with larger coin army at hand. In return, players are likely to make more coins at the end of each gaming session.


One more thing to keep an eye on are the keys that are scattered along the course. However, this shall not be your main focus. Players can pick up and collect those keys when it’s convenient. Then they can unlock some extra chests with rewards in them.

Money Rush
Money rush is a very classic parkour and puzzle game.
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really cool game!


i love this game

Alex Jones

I did not play the game yet but it looks pretty cool !

Smg4( real not fake!

I have no idea how to get it.


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