Home Kick the Buddy

Tips about unlock all weapons in Kick the Buddy

Kick the Buddy, a very stress-relieving game for all ages. Whether you are looking for pleasure or want to release stress, you can relax through violent venting in the game. Here, players need to earn as much money as possible to unlock new weapons that get more ways to kick the buddy. Therefore, this short guide will provide you some tips to help you unlock all weapons in Kick the Buddy.


Firstly, find the weapons that work for you, which means the ones that give you the most money. At the beginning of the game, you will get a machine gun and a grenade, so you can get more money when using these two weapons. So as you progress through the game and start unlocking more weapons, it’s enough to focus on that.


Then, experiment with different weapons instead of relying on one type of weapon. If you stick to one weapon, you will make less and less money, and the most direct reason why you are advised to try different weapons is that you can get different amounts of money with different weapons, which is of course beneficial for you.


Finally, you can use Instagram to earn weapons. You just press the Instagram button and it will give you the option to confirm and post. After pressing the button, you can exit this operation and you can still get the weapon. This way suitable for every player who wants a weapon.


On the whole, unlocking weapons in Kick the Buddy is not difficult, and with any of the above mentioned tips, your chances of getting a new weapon go up a lot. So I sincerely hope this short guide will play its role in helping you unlock all weapons in Kick the Buddy.

Kick the Buddy
Kick the Buddy is an action game.
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I want to play kick the buddy


I want to play kick the buddy also


I want to play kick the buddy also also


I want to play kick the buddy


Kick the Buddy sounds like a really fun game


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