Home Count Masters - Stickman Clash

Essential Guide for Count Masters-Stickman Clash

Count Master-Stickman Clash is a classic running game with very typical mechanics. It may seem quite easy and straightforward to control the game by tapping the screen left and right, however, as the difficulty levels up, players should always focus on a few essential things to move on to further levels. The general principle of this game is to accumulate a large number of stickman in various ways. Then, there are also a few tricks in dealing with other in-game hazards.


To begin with, number or “numerical advantage” is the driving engine of the game. The most basic way of multiplying the number of stickman is to choose better gates. Players simply pick the gates with larger number or smaller negative number, so that they can maximize the multiplying effect or minimizing the minus. Another way of gaining number advantage is through in-game rewards. At the end of each level, players will be given various bonuses according to their performance of the running course. Coins are the most important currency in deciding the numbers of your legion. Put it another way, players can start each level with larger size of legion if they finish the previous level with a good amount of coins which can be gained through successful completion of each level, or through watching in-game ads if players are playing online mode. They can further spend those coins on upgrades that either boost up the number of their starting units or grant them even better rewards later. Either way, players can use coins to generate more coins and gain more numerical advantages.


Then, players should know what exactly they can get from leveraging  the advantages mentioned above. First, they can defeat their opponent legions if they have a larger size unit. Then, at the end of some levels, they can beat the boss fight by outnumbering the destructive boss.


Apart from the number and its importance, players should also pay attention to different types of obstacles as they move on to harder levels. There are generally three types of hazards and each can be dealt with special methods. For those rhythmic obstacles that move in certain patterns, players can simply wait and dodge. For the upcoming enemy legions, players may dodge but most of the time they must confront and engage them. But for those obstacles that are situated in the middle of the path and are hard to get around, players have no other choice but to take their legion to get through them with some inevitable losses. However, such losses wouldn’t cause devastating consequences on the total number of the stickman. 

Count Masters - Stickman Clash
Count Masters - Stickman Clash is a running game, offered by Freeplay Inc.
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nice game


Wow this is a great game


i love this game


these game is fun


this game is kind of good


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