Home FIFA Soccer

Beginners’Guide for FIFA Soccer

FIFA Soccer is a sports simulation game with heavy emphasis on its skillful game control. It is also centered on the exciting PvP multiplayer mode where gamers compete with others for their team victory; meanwhile, they can also opt for the single player mode to focus more on soccer practice in their own pace. For beginners, there are a few things they may keep in mind to shorten the learning curve of the game.


As for the first important element of the game, particularly when players are taking on the intense PvP mode, control is the key. There are many different motion controls in FIFA Soccer, however, the major focus is always your timing and opportunities for scoring. Both competing teams get equal and basic scoring chances on their side ranging from average to great. However, this doesn’t mean each team can be on the same accuracy level. Instead, there is a performance difference gap between two teams, depending on the overall OVR score the team has earned. The higher OVR number one team earns, the better chance it would have to outmatch its rivalry. Therefore, it is crucial to always keep an eye on the scorings.


Then, as is mentioned above, the OVR level is a defining element for scoring.  For new players, to replace team members with lower OVR is not always a feasible option as players with higher OVR stat are often inaccessible for beginners. Therefore, it is more feasible to take advantage of the single player mode first before they move into more serious and intense PvP games. By playing single player mode, players can practice and refine their motion controls and skills.


Plus, new players can also actively participate in the daily events to win the extra rewards that can be used to upgrade their players later in the game. What’s more, regularly training and managing the team is also contributing to the OVR level of the whole team, as it boosts up players’ personal treat and playing skills.

FIFA Soccer
FIFA Soccer is a football competitive game independently published by EA.
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i love soccer and i love this game

I love football it's the best

I love football it's the best


I love football ⚽

Joel Nyantakyi

This is the best game and I really want to play.


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