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How to Quickly Find Objects in Manor Matters— in Word Mode?

Manor Matters is an object-search game with multiple playing modes. Different modes have different features yet they are all more or less time sensitive. Namely players have to find out the given objects with different types of prompts within certain amount of time. Therefore, it is very useful to learn a few tips and strategies to speed up your searching process. To use the Word Mode as an example, the following tips might be helpful for those who want to efficiently complete their search missions in Manor Matters.


The first and most important tip for playing Manor Matters regardless of the specific mode, is to play mindfully . In other words, players should be observant about the surroundings and objects they have seen. This does not necessarily mean that players have to memorize all the things they see, instead, they should gradually form a general impression on things and get themselves familiar with the outline of items as much as they can. This would be helpful when they play other modes such as the Silhouettes.


Another important thing to remember is to not take the prompt too literally. In Word Mode, all the prompts for items are given in words, which on the one hand is very straightforward, yet on the other hand can be misleading. For example, when players see the name of certain animal, they should take a loose definition of the animal. In other words, the animal might be a lively pet, and it might also just be a stuffed animal, or this animal is on a painting. Therefore, players should widen their perceptions on the verbal hint and think outside the box.


Besides, in Word Mode, objects are given in groups. Each group contains 4 items and players need to find out all the given objects in two minutes. In order to save more time, players can try to memorize all the items (usually 4) and look for them in certain sequence. This would save them some time than looking for object one at a time.

Manor Matters
The background is set in a Castlewood, players need to complete tasks in the game.
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