Home Boss Life 3D

Essential Guide for Boss Life 3D

Boss Life 3D is a casual office management game. It is quite easy and fun to play but there are also a number of details many players are likely to oversee during the gameplay. In order to achieve the most out of the strategies, players should bear those following tips in mind.


The first thing many players often ignore is the in-game instructions. There are often prompts or instructive information popping up on the interface screen. When players are making their in-game decisions, it is always important to check such information first so that they have a clear idea of what they are expected to do. Sometimes the instructions may not be so specific, yet players can still get a general sense of expectation or purpose of their moves, which helps them achieve the goals efficiently.


Another detail that is often missed out is the tapping instruction. Sometimes, when players are told directly by the game to tap the screen, they fail to do so immediately. It should be noted that such instruction is often time sensitive. Players must tap the screen while it is still in activation, so that they can continue their game progress.


The third trick is about the in-game “money”. It is a common misunderstanding that the money shown on top of the screen is the in-game currency. On the contrary, there is no currency or any in-game store in Boss Life 3D. The money and its numbers are merely objective tokens, marking the goals of the current gameplay. Therefore, players cannot spend the money on anything. However, when it comes to piling up the money in stacks, players should always check the exact amount of money in each stack. And then they need to match their stacks accordingly instead of randomly scraping money together in different batches. 

Boss Life 3D
Boss Life 3D is a life simulation experience game.
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i love cupcakes

it seams cool but not bad


it seems cool but okay


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