Home > Hearts - Card Game Classic

Manage the Cards Strategically and Wisely!

Hearts - Card Game Classics is a fun and challenging card game enjoying a pretty good reputation and great popularity among players all around the world. To win the game, players need to be aware of the following several points summarized by us. To begin with, you should always try to give away your worst cards as soon as possible. When it comes to which cards are the worst cards, they usually refer to high-ranking cards like kings and queens. What’s more, you should drop a suit as soon as possible throughout the gameplay process. It is the same with the theory of dropping your worst cards. Furthermore, if you can achieve all hearts, you can make each other player get all penalty points. However, there is a high risk also. If you lose any hearts, you will end up getting numerous penalty points and you are going to lose the game. In addition, to master the game, before playing the game, players should at least learn about the basic rules of the game so as to get well-prepared and don’t get confused during the gameplay process. Last but not the least, you should learn from your previous failures and summarize the lessons for your reference in later use. On the whole, Hearts-Card Game Classics requires players’ wisdom and patience to win. We sincerely hope that the tips mentioned above could provide you with some inspiration and be helpful for you when you come across difficulties in the game. If you have any feedback regarding the tips or any questions in terms of the game, please don’t hesitate to come to us. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Good luck in the game and have a blast!


Core Rules and Tips on Hearts- Card Game Classic

Hearts- Card Game Classic is a digital rendition of an old and classic card game Hearts. The game rule and goal remain consistent with its physical card version. This mobile game adopts a classic set of rules players must familiarize themselves with, because knowing the rules is the first and most effective strategy for winning any card games.


First, the game opens with a conventional four-player setting and a standard 52 cards deck. It starts with deals and passings in four hands. The central goal of the game is to discard and get rid of scoring cards with penalty points as many as you can. The game terminates when one player has reached 100 penalty points and the player who scores the lowest wins the game.


Then the gameplay follows a number of core rules that players must keep in mind. The bottom line is that the player holding two of clubs cards has to lead a trick. However, if a player has no cards of the same suit, then he or she can discard any other card of their choices. It should be noted that players cannot start a trick with a card of hearts unless such card has already been played by other players in previous tricks. The only exception is when the player who leads a trick has no other cards but hearts, then he is allowed to “break hearts”. Meanwhile, the cards of spades are allowed to be played from the second trick.


Besides, players usually start the trick with a lower card of spades in order to lead out the queen of spades, the scoring card with the highest penalty point (13). At the end of each trick round, players who discards the highest number of the suit wins the trick. At this time, his leftover cards will be scored if there are any hearts (penalty point 1) or queen of spades(penalty point 13). However, if a players wins a trick without any scoring cards left, they are known as “shooting the moon”, which would deduct 26 points of their total score or add 26 points to the opponents.

Hearts - Card Game Classic
Hearts- Card Game Classic is an old and classic card game.
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