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Pro Tips on Golf Rival

Golf Rival is a competitive sport simulation game that requires players to equip themselves with refined techniques and skillful game control. Although it is very true for most sports sim games that practice makes perfection, there are still some tactics players can follow in order to improve their skills and game performance in Golf Rival.


The first thing players of any level in this game should do is to plan their strikes in advance. By taking a general look at the golf court, players should plan for a realistic goal and pick out favorable pitches as their landing spots. It is generally reasonable to choose your targets not too far away nor too close. Meanwhile, by playing and practicing, players should take mental notes on the layout of the golf court, knowing where the rough and favorable terrains are. This way, players can dodge disadvantaged areas when they strike their balls.


Then, the techniques of ball striking is also crucial in enhancing the aiming accuracy of the game. Players can set closer goals during the initial stage of the game to test out how much striking power can take the ball for how far. This way, when players need to strike their balls to a much further pitch, they can adjust their power accordingly. Besides the strength, the timing of striking is also important. When players drag the ball, they need to also keep an eye on the moving bar which indicates the perfect hitting timing when it’s right in the middle. Furthermore, players in Golf Rival should also take the wind direction in consideration when they are calculating their striking strength. The directions of wind influence the power needed to hit the ball as the wind can be either a speed booster or resistance.


One last pro tip is to aim higher when you can’t aim any further. Sometimes players may find their target pin is far beyond their striking range, they can try to hit the ball higher into the sky. This technique may help the ball to fly further and closer to the pin. 


Get Ready to Play Golf!

Golf Rival is a sports game in which multiple players can play golf online with each other. To master the game, there are some tips for you to make reference to before you join the game. First of all, since it's a golf game, you should at least learn about the basic rules of golf before you try this game, or else you will be confused at the beginning of the gameplay. So acquire enough golf-related knowledge beforehand. Secondly, in order to make good strikes and reach ideal points, you need to balance between the moving bar and the striking of the ball. That is to say, you should strike the ball when it is the right timing. Thirdly, to aim at the desired spot, players should first of all drag the ball to the circle while paying attention to the moving bar. What’s more, the bounce of the ball also matters. So you should make an accurate calculation before each strike of the ball. Fourthly, in order to level up to the next stage of the game, players have to win enough amount of trophies. You can always check the trophy requirements for each stage in the game in order to get well-prepared. Fifthly, when you want to enter a new club, there are four things you can do to do so. Firstly, you can complete all the tasks and quests so as to acquire chests. There might be club cards left in the chests. Secondly, you can also buy the chests from the shops. Thirdly, you can get chests by winning contests. Finally, you can directly buy club cards. We hope that the tips mentioned above could work for you. Good luck and we are looking forward to your good news.


Win by Fewer Strikes

Golf Rival is a sports simulation game featuring golf playing mechanics that provides players with a real-life golf playing experience. Here we would like to offer you several suggestions for your reference. First of all, throughout the game, you should try your best to make sure that the moving bar is in balance. That is to say, in order to shoot more accurately, you need to manage the moving bar and make your shot when the strike is right in the middle of the bar. Secondly, you should always plan in advance where you want to land your ball before each strike. Don’t randomly strike the ball without any strategies. You should balance the power of your strike and the distance towards your goal. Thirdly, to master the game, the only secret would be practice. It means that the more time and energy you dedicate to the game, the more professional in playing golf you will be. Fourthly, in order to make a good performance, you should better make more accurate shots with lesser attempts. So you should increase the accuracy of your strike and make fewer strikes so that your hit rate will be improved. In this way, you will be able to surpass your opponents with more advantages. Last but not the least, in the game, you can aim higher than the expected distance set before you so that your ball could reach further places. In this way, it takes fewer shots for you to strike your ball to the final destination. In sum, practice makes perfect. Apart from that, you should play the game using your brain instead of playing it randomly. We wish you good luck and full enjoyment of the game. We can’t wait to hear good news from you.


How to Win in Golf Rival

When playing this kind of golf game, we should pay great attention to the physics of the game itself, and grasp the angle and strength when hitting the golf. It is also a mobile phone game, so there are some skills that we can't achieve on the screen, but this game provides us with other conveniences that help us play better. For example, there will be wind in the game, and the wind can be used. Don't underestimate its role. Many people think that the wind will only hinder the travel of the golf, but in fact, if we are in the downwind, we can understand that this is actually very beneficial to us. When playing games, we might as well check the weather forecast, so that we can see whether the weather on this day is beneficial to us or not. Sometimes the holes in the ground are too small. If we don't use the wind, We simply can't make the golf move far enough and reach the hole position accurately. Before each shot, we should estimate this distance in advance, how far is our golf from the hole, and how many difficulties may hinder our journey on this road. During the game, remember that this is actually a competitive game, so you must know how to use some skills, and try to keep your concentration in the game, and don't let the golf hit those obstacles during the game. Some players will be confused about whether they should choose the best golf club in the game, but it is not necessary, because sometimes we don't know how to choose a golf club that suits us. You can get familiar with the game and then choose the one that is most convenient for you. Remember not to overestimate your golf skills. Sometimes, we will be greedy, so we set our goal far away. But in fact, this is not in line with reality, because the golf will meet friction in the process of traveling, so it may have stopped before it reaches the hole.

Golf Rival
Golf Rival is a very mature sports game.
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