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Hands-on Tips for Minecraft Beginners

Minecraft is a massive open world game that allows high degree of game flexibility and freedom. However,this might also overwhelm and confuse many players who just joint the game with limited experience. Although technically, players can lead their own game without following any fixed rules or sequences, it should be helpful to prime themselves with some handy tips and experience.


Firstly, players who are new to this grand open world game can avoid getting lost by leaving marks whenever they start to spawn. Leaving a mark nearby can be a reminder or geographical locator.


Then there are a few essential resources that players need to make sure they have them on hand. The first important resource is wood which can be obtained through punching the trees . It should be noted that a regular reserve of 15 to 20 pieces of wood blocks can come in handy unexpectedly.


Then, as wood is available, players should start their building progress. To start with, it is highly recommended that a temporary housing structure is built. This “house” serves mainly for storage purposes. Players can start to build craft tools and store their resources there. Among them, a craft table is a must-have item for players to build very early in the game. With a working craft table, players can continue to build a few more frequently used tools. The first one would be the pickaxe that enables players to start mining stones.  


Stones are another equally important resources in Minecraft. It is obtained through mining, with the help of tougher tools. Just like wood, stones are consumed for crafting multiple key tools, particularly the ones for mining which is another huge topic in its own right. However, the principle rule of mining is to not go straight into the underground. Instead, players can dig on a spiral process until they hit the bedrock. This tip also applies to room mining which should also take place in a neat and regularly shaped chamber.  

Minecraft is a 3D first-person sandbox game.
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i love this games

A Gameneoma user

Thus game rocks. i have been playing since 2013


Best game ever!!!!!!!!!

A Gameneoma user



Minecraft is REALLY GOOD. So much to do and to see, and they banned NFTs, so massive W to Microsoft. Creativity is endless and I’m building my epic city right now. I started it a month ago.


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